The National Register of citizens published its draft with lots of typographical errors, for which many people were in terror but the authority assured to give an opportunity for correction of any errors in names included the draft.

So, the wait is over, NRC has opened an online portal for the correction of names included with errors or spelling mistakes in its final draft.

Click here to open the link

Before proceeding to open the link we have to understand certain things given below :

The process of online correction:

The process is quite simple and easy. When we open the link they will ask us to register before proceeding further. There are two options for registration

1) For those who used Legacy data code (LDC) in their NRC application form.

In this case, we have to register with that LDC or legacy data code. It is necessary even if only one of the many members of a family used any LDC code.

2) For those didn’t used any Legacy Data Code (LDC) in their NRC application firm. For that matter, we need to use only No one number to register in the portal.

In addition, your mobile number will also be required for registration.


Once a mobile number registered for an ARN cannot be registered with any other ARN.